Product Management

Relist Products

Head over to Your Depop Profile Page, click the DepopAid icon, then hit the Relist Products button to select items to relist.

Relisting listings is creating new items using the metadata of old items. Since Depop will give the newly created items more exposure, relisting items will increase the chance of selling them.

You can click on the Sort button to move your older items to the front, and then select them to relist. This way, you will be relisting the oldest items in your shop each time.

We strongly recommend that you relist your items every day, as this can greatly increase your sales.


  • Likes, comments, and discounts on the old items will be lost because the old items will be deleted after relisting. Also, relisting won't clone the video in the old item.
  • Remove stock photos in your items before relisting them. Otherwise, Depop will remove your relisted items because stock photos are not allowed on Depop.
  • The fixed order refreshing will be invalid because relisting will change an item's ID.

Refresh Now

Head over to Your Depop Profile Page, click the DepopAid icon, then hit the Refresh Now button to refresh your listings immediately.

The default refresh interval is a random number between 1 and 3 seconds. You can change the interval in the system settings. Learn more: Global Interval Setting.

Refreshing listings updates the listed time of your items to the current time. This makes your products pop up at the top of relevant searches, greatly boosting your sales.

Scheduled Refreshing

Head over to Your Depop Profile Page, click the DepopAid icon, then hit the Scheduled button to set up Scheduled Refreshing.

Set the MIN/MAX value of Waiting Time and Refresh Interval (or you could just use the default setting), then click the Turn On button. This will make DepopAid refresh your listings repeatedly with a reasonable waiting time.

We highly recommend you turn on Scheduled Refreshing. It's a killer feature that can greatly increase your sales.


  • You need to keep the network connected in order to keep refreshing. So make sure that your network is not automatically disconnected when your computer's display is off.
Waiting Time

Waiting Time is the do-nothing-time between two batch refreshings. In one batch refreshing, all your items will be refreshed. The waiting time is a random value between the min/max you set.

For example, if you set the min waiting time to 15 minutes and max waiting time to 30 minutes, the workflow will be:

  • Refresh all your items → Wait random minutes (15-30) → Refresh all your items → Repeat.
Refresh Interval

Refresh Interval is the do-nothing-time between refreshing two items.

For example, if you set the min refresh interval to 3 seconds and max refresh interval to 5 seconds, the workflow in one batch refreshing will be:

  • Refresh your first item → Wait random seconds (3-5) → Refresh your second item → Repeat.

Set a Fixed Refresh Order

Head over to Your Depop Profile Page, click the DepopAid icon, then hit the Scheduled button to set up Scheduled Refreshing. In the Scheduled Refreshing setting panel, you will find a Fixed Order link. Click it, and a new panel will show up.

Then hit the Capture Order button, DepopAid will capture your current listings order and show the items arrangement in the panel. (You could also only select those items you want to refresh, then hit the Save Selected button.)

Now, if you go back to the Scheduled Refreshing panel, you can see that it says, "You are using a fixed refreshing order."

Hit the Turn On button to refresh in this fixed order every time.


  • You can click on one item (picture), hold down Shift, and click on a second item to automatically select all items between them.

Skip Refreshing

Head over to Your Depop Profile Page, click the DepopAid icon, then hit the Scheduled button to set up Scheduled Refreshing. In the Scheduled Refreshing setting panel, you will find an Advanced... link. Click it, and an Advanced Settings panel will show up. In the Skip Refreshing section, you can add up to 3 time intervals to skip the refreshing process.

Don't forget to save the settings.


We strongly recommend adding at least a sleep-time range (e.g., 00:00 ~ 07:00). You don't want to refresh your items when you are sleeping!

Unlike All Products

Head to Your Depop Profile Page, click the DepopAid icon, then hit the Unlike Products button to unlike all the items you've ever liked.

Now unlike all the products and make your store clean again!

Like User's Products

Head over to Other's Depop Profile Page (e.g. iGirl). Click the DepopAid icon, then hit the Like User's Products button to mass like all items in the store.

Relist Product

When you are on your own product page, click the DepopAid icon, then hit the Relist Product button to relist the item.

If your item has been listed for weeks or even months and it has not been sold (or has little engagement), we recommend that you relist it.

DepopAid will use the meta information (including photos) of the item to create a brand new listing (and delete the old one). You will lose likes and comments on the old item, but the Depop platform will give the newly created item more exposure. This will increase the chance of selling the item.


  • *Relisting won't clone the video in the old item. Therefore, if your old item contains a video, please make sure you have it on your computer or phone so that you could upload the video after relisting.

Clone Product

When you are on someone else's product page, click the DepopAid icon, then hit the Clone Product button to clone the item.

If you find an item that you like and want to create a similar listing, you can use the Clone Product feature to quickly create a new listing based on the original item's information.

DepopAid will use the meta information (including photos) of the original item to create a new listing in your shop. You can then edit the details, price, and shipping information to suit your needs.


  • *Cloning a product won't copy the video from the original item. If you want to include a video in your cloned listing, you will need to upload it separately.

Mass Like Search Results

Head over to the Depop Search Page (Search), click the DepopAid icon, and follow the instructions to mass like search results.

For more details, explore individual features and settings in DepopAid's interface!