Must Read
Please read this quick guide before using DepopAid to ensure you don't miss out on many useful features.
If you didn't install it yet and would like to, just head over to thisChrome Extension Page, hit theAdd to Chrome button and you are all set.
1. Never Abuse DepopAid
Rule number one, NEVER ABUSE DEPOPAID!
Never send mass messages to spam other Depop users! Don't relist/refresh listings too fast or too frequently. Don't use the Depop Bot too aggressively. Stay low key and get rich!
2. Reset for Any Unknown Issues
If you encounter any unknown issues (e.g. DepopAid won't let you refresh your listings), just click the Profile icon (the little person icon at the top), then hit the Reset button.
3. Pin Extension
To make it easier to use DepopAid, we recommend you pin it to your chrome toolbar.

4. Bulk Relist
Head over to Your Depop Profile Page, click the DepopAid icon, then hit the Relist Products button to select items to relist.
Relisting listings is creating new items using the metadata of old items.
Since Depop will give the newly created items more exposure, relisting items will increase the chance of selling them.
You can click on the Sort button to move your older items to the front, and then select them to relist.
We strongly recommend that you relist your items every day, as this can greatly increase your sales.
Note 1: Likes, comments and discount on the old items will be lost because the old items will be deleted after relisting. Also, relisting won't clone the video in the old item.
Note 2: Remove stock photos in your items before relisting them. Otherwise, Depop will remove your relisted items because stock photos are not allowed on Depop.
Note 3: The fixed order refreshing and restoring layout features will be invalid because relisting will change an item's ID.
5. Refresh Now
Head over to Your Depop Profile Page, click the DepopAid icon, then hit the Refresh Now button to refresh your listings immediately.
Refreshing listings updates the listed time of your items to the current time. This makes your products pop up at the top of relevant searches which will greatly boost your sales.
6. Turn On Scheduled Refreshing
Head over to Your Depop Profile Page, click the DepopAid icon, then hit the Scheduled button to set up Scheduled Refreshing.
Set the MIN/MAX value of Waiting Time and Refresh Interval (or you could just use the default setting), then click the Turn On button. This will make DepopAid refresh your listings repeatedly with a reasonable waiting time.
Note: You need to keep the network connected in order to keep refreshing. So make sure that your network is not automatically disconnected when your computer's display is off.
7. Mass Follow
Now you've turned on Scheduled Refreshing. You should keep your current Depop profile page open and don't refresh it.
Open a new chrome tab, head over to Other's Depop Profile Page (e.g.iGirl). Click the DepopAid icon, then mass follow followers/following/buyers in the store.
8. Mass Unfollow
If you reach the follow limit of 7501 which is imposed by Depop, just head over to Your Depop Profile Page, click the DepopAid icon, then hit the Unfollow All Users button.
After clicking the Unfollow All Users button, you will see the whitelist setting page. Fill in the text box with the usernames you don't want to unfollow, one username per line, then click the Update The Whitelist button. We'll save your whitelist to the database. Finally, hit the Unfollow button and you're all set!
Note: A Depop username does not contain the character @. So you should fill in internetgirl, not @internetgirl
9. Mass Like Search Results
Head over to the Depop Search Page (, click DepopAid icon and you will know what to do next.
10. Like/Save a Product
Head over to A Specific Product Page, click the DepopAid icon, then you could like or save this product.
You could also mass follow the likers of this item. If you are selling some similar products, there are chances that these likers may buy your items.
11. Read More in FAQ and Docs